Estimados socios,
Por indicación de la Junta Directiva, les dejamos a continuación el correo que nos ha enviado la European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP) a través de la AEP, en particular el grupo creado para el examen Board de pediatría.
Quieren lanzar la fecha de difusión del examen para el día 2 de marzo y que los interesados puedan acceder a través de la web a los requisitos.
Rogamos difundáis la información entre los pediatras y residentes de Pediatría de vuestro entorno.
Dear Friends,
As you are well aware, we are working hard for the first European Board of Paediatrics examination (EBPE) that will be held at the EAPS conference in Barcelona this October. There is a huge amount of work to be done, but the questions are accumulating, and we are confident that we will be completely ready in time. We have a great team working on this and I am hugely grateful to them all for their time and commitment.
The launch date for the exam – the point at which we advertise it widely and when applicants can first submit their forms – will be on March 2nd. Applications will be made through the EAP website (which is just completing a major facelift and will be live next week).
However, I need your help too. In particular we need to get communication about this exam out to as many trainees in Europe as we possibly can. Current trainee knowledge about EAP and about the exam is very low, and we need to raise the profile of both the EAP and of the exam.
One important route for this is in the national paediatric meetings held in your countries. We would be very grateful if you would help us with a number of specific tasks:
- Contact the conference organisers/committee and ask for them to provide a booth where the EAP can set up a stand. Little space is needed, and we hope that this can be provided for free!
- Let us know that such a space has been agreed, and send us contact details for the conference team.
- Consider arranging a plenary session where the EAP can present. The RCPCH meeting this year, for example, has a session dedicated to Young EAP where three speakers will talk about their work
- We can provide material for distribution, including handouts and pull up banners. Ideally we will send files to you for local printing as transport costs are otherwise prohibitive
- We hope that national Young EAP volunteers can be persuaded to man the booth to talk about our aims and the work being done.
With over 50 countries in the EAP, it is not possible for us to manage these sessions centrally, and so we need your direct help and involvement to make this work. I hope that it would not take more than a few emails and phone conversations, but it would make an enormous difference to the prospects of getting a successful examination in place, and strengthening the position of the EAP as an advocate for children and paediatricians across Europe.
It would also greatly help us if you could consider whether you (or contacts you have) are able to endorse the exam. We have a statement from CESMA saying how important this exam is, and any similar corroborative endorsements from national bodies would be very useful. From March 2nd, we would encourage the use of personal or organisational media assets, like Twitter or LinkedIn, to promote the exam, as well (of course) as personal encouragement of your own trainees!
Many thanks for all your (anticipated) help! Best wishes,
Rob Ross Russell
Chair, European Board of Paediatrics