Dear SIOP Europe Members,
This is a kind reminder that the deadline to comment on the EU Beating Cancer Plan roadmap
(concept note) ( is quickly
- Tuesday 3 March (midnight Brussels time/CET)
This is a
key milestone in EU cancer policy and an important opportunity for us to
influence the direction that the EU Cancer Plan will take.
We strongly encourage you to provide your inputs and disseminate this
opportunity within your network to make sure that paediatric haemato-oncology
is not overlooked in the EU agenda – in particular since out of the current roadmap’s 2300
words, “children” is cited only 3 times, mostly without stating the
intention to focus on their specific problems, and the word
“paediatric” only once.
The more responses from the paediatric haemato-oncology community the better,
as legislators will
take into account the number of replies calling for a
particular aspect to be emphasised in the EU Cancer Plan.